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Recorded Email Reading & Reiki


30 Minutes

Book Now


Greetings Beautiful and Perfect Soul!

I feel beyond joyful to be able to provide this improved and empowering video email reading and distance healing for you. This is a service that I have spent months developing so that you are able to cover a broader aspect of your Mind, Body and Spirit healing journey.

You will receive a 30 Minute, recorded energy reading and distance healing session sent to your email. Your 30 minute session will include a card or cowrie shell reading,distance reiki sent to any specified area of your life, and powerful prayers and suggestions for increasing the flow of high frequency energy into your life.

By providing your birthday, you will also get a current natal reading to provide insight into what planetary energy surrounds the coming 30 day for you.

You will also receive suggestions for life altering results, based on the information you provide in your order. These may include specific mantras, affirmations or meditation and breath work assignments to help release and clear energetic blockages. All suggestions are based on your unique needs.

There will be space provided for you to provide me with your partner's birthday of you are interested in a compatibility reading. If you are interested in learning about what spiritual connections you share with another person, please provide the name and birthday of that individual. Otherwise, skip that section.

Keep your video so that you can revert to it when you need inspiration or to keep you in alignment. Order a new reading each month or every couple of months to see what changes have occurred in your world since the last tune up you received with me.

Please allow up to 3 business days, excluding weekends. I provide service Monday-Friday. Allow for a day or two extra processing time in the event of high demand or issues with technology.

Thank you for allowing me to help redirect the power back to you!

Gratefully Yours,


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