SOL University
Sponsored By My Art and Sol
Healing Art Therapy
Art therapy is a powerful tool that nurtures the mind, body, and soul. It encourages self-expression, allowing individuals to explore their emotions and experiences in a safe environment. Engaging in creative projects can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting mental well-being. Additionally, art therapy encourages a sense of connection and empowerment, helping individuals to heal and grow on multiple levels.

Free Children's Art Class Videos
Every month we will upload a free online art class for kids ages 5-12 where you and your child can watch and paint along from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Bring whatever supplies you have, this is a healing opportunity so freedom is encouraged. Parents if your child has autism or is on the spectrum, or has any anxiety, stress-related or mood disorders, you are encouraged to attend. We will start with a short breathing and relaxation time for youths.
Spiritual Art Therapy
Monthly group adult Art Therapy classes online. Live once a month! Join from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Adult themed topics will be discussed so it is advised that children not participate. This art therapy is to help clear trauma associated with but not limited to any form of PTSD, mood disorders, unresolved childhood trauma and anger related conditions.